Hearing loss in children Loved ones celebrate Cochlear implants with tattoos Loved ones celebrate Cochlear implants with tattoos Two parents and a grandfather celebrate their children and g...
Hearing loss in children Laura with her film The is the sound Laura: Battled hearing loss as a child, spreads awareness about cochlear implants through film as young adult Laura G. shares her story of growing up with hearing loss, g...
Hearing loss in children Parents get cochlear implant tattoos so their child doesn’t feel left out Parents get cochlear implant tattoos so their child doesn’t feel left out “We first found out Connor had profound hearing loss when ...
Hearing loss in children Graphic-Building your child’s team Building your child’s team: Creating a circle of support for hearing loss Building a circle of professionals who you can establish str...
Hearing loss in children How to educate teachers about your child’s hearing loss How to educate teachers about your child’s hearing loss Parents, as you begin to prepare your child for a new school...
Hearing loss in children Sophie partying with her class kids Back-to-school hearing party: How Sophie educates her classmates about her hearing loss Ten-year-old Sophie R. was born deaf, has bilateral cochlear...