If you’re looking to celebrate CochlearTM or add “ears” to your pumpkin this Halloween, Cochlear pumpkin stencils are available for you to download and print now: https://go.cochlear.com/rs/087-KYD-238/images/Halloween%202016%20Cochlear%20Pumpkin%20Stencils.pdf.
Once you have your pumpkin picked out and you’re ready to go, here’s how to carve the Cochlear stencil into it:
Step 1: Cut out a circle at the top of the pumpkin and remove the innards (seeds and fibrous strands).
Step 2: Place your pumpkin carving pattern in the desired location on your pumpkin and tape to hold.
Step 3: Use a pumpkin poking tool (i.e., an awl or nail) to poke small holes through the paper, following the stencil lines. When you’ve completed tracing all lines, remove the stencil from the pumpkin and save for later reference.
Step 4: Carve out your pattern, following the small holes you already poked and using a pumpkin carving saw (these can be found within pumpkin carving stencil sets typically available in retail stores around Halloween).
Step 5: Carve out any other patterns necessary to complete your pumpkin design. Insert a light and let your pumpkin glow!
Take a photo and share your finished pumpkin on your social media channels and tag Cochlear!