Are you looking for a fun way tFacebook Valentines Day Cardso let someone know how much they mean to you this Valentine’s Day?

We have Valentine’s Day cards to help you do that!

We have four Valentine’s Day cards that you can download, print, cut out and distribute directly from here: https://go.cochlear.com/rs/087-KYD-238/images/Valentines%20Day%20Cards.pdf.

We also will be sharing the cards on our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn channels, so keep an eye out for those if you’d like to digitally share the love.

Ways you can use the Valentine cards:

  • Print and share them with friends, family and colleagues near and far
  • Share them on your social channels
  • Print for your child to distribute during their school Valentine’s Day party

Looking for more information about hearing implant solutions? Visit www.cochlear.com/us.

Renee Oehlerking
Renee Oehlerking is the Public Relations Manager at Cochlear Americas where she is responsible for the region’s public relations and consumer marketing social media. Renee enjoys uncovering, telling and showcasing the inspiring stories of hearing implant recipients. As a recent transplant to Denver, Colorado, Renee enjoys exploring all that the state has to offer outdoors.