Are you able to hear in quiet environments, but you most likely struggle to hear and understand what is being said in noisy ones? Is life feeling a bit more challenging? Read below for information on a treatment for mixed hearing loss that may be able to help you.
Do you have mixed hearing loss?
You might be searching for a treatment for mixed hearing loss if you answer “yes” to any of these questions:
- Do you experience chronic ear infections?
- Do you have draining ears?
- Have you had any ear surgeries?
- Do you have trouble getting sufficient loudness when using hearing aids?
- Do you struggle with clarity of sound?
What is mixed hearing loss?
Mixed hearing loss refers to a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. This means there may be damage in both the outer or middle ear and the inner ear. People who suffer from mixed hearing loss describe sounds as being both softer and more difficult to understand.
Any of the causes of conductive (check out our blog on conductive hearing loss here) hearing loss plus any of the following can lead to mixed hearing loss:
- Aging
- Exposure to loud noise
- Head trauma
- Genetics
- Otosclerosis
- Ménière’s disease
In all of the years of helping people hear better, we have never heard someone say, “I wish I would have waited.” In fact, the opposite is true. Take a life-changing step and see how the Cochlear™ Baha® System can help you hear what you have been missing.

What is the Baha System?
The Cochlear™ Baha® System is an implantable hearing solution that uses your natural ability to conduct sound to bypass the damaged outer and middle ear, and sends clearer, more crisp sound directly to your inner ear.¹
The Baha implant system helps you enjoy the freedom and confidence to listen to music, enjoy a movie, eat out at a noisy restaurant, go to a concert and socialize with your friends – with less worrying about missing out.
In your search to find a treatment for mixed hearing loss, learn more about how the Baha System could help you here.
Shannon’s Baha 5 Sound Processor brought sounds to her life that hearing aids could not. Read about her story.
Gustafsson J. BCDrive performance vs. conventional bone conduction transducer. Cochlear Bone Anchored Solutions AB, 629908, 2015.