Are you searching for a treatment for single-sided deafness? Do any of the below situations sound familiar to you?

– Asking people to speak into your ‘good ear’
– Only sitting on a certain side of the table or room so you can hear out of your ‘good ear’
– Avoiding family gatherings or busy restaurants
– Fear of asking people to repeat themselves

It can be exhausting.

What is single-sided deafness?Treatment for single-sided deafness hearing loss diagram

Single-sided deafness (SSD) occurs when you have little to no hearing in one ear and normal hearing in the other. It can happen at birth, suddenly or gradually over time. Some of the most common causes of SSD include:

– Acoustic neuroma due to the surgical removal of benign tumor(s) developing on the hearing nerve, which connects the ear to the brain
– Sudden hearing loss due to viral infections, Ménière’s disease, adverse reaction to medications, head or ear injuries and many other unknown reasons
– Malformation at birth or missing inner ear (cochlea)

Single-sided deafness can make everyday activities more difficult. Business meetings, crossing the street or driving the car can be hard work. That is where the Cochlear™ Baha® Implant System can help.

What is the Baha System?

Baha System as a treatment for single sided deafness

The Baha System is an implantable hearing solution that works by picking up sounds on your deaf side and converting them into sound vibrations and transferring them to your normal hearing ear through the skull bone.

Hearing with your one good ear and a Baha provides clear advantages! The benefits include:

– Identifying sounds near and far (as well as those that occur 360 degrees around your head)1
– Better understanding speech and hear more clearly2
– Better determining where sound is coming from1

See if the Baha System may be a good solution for treating your single-sided deafness today. Get more information here.

Read about Aaron’s story on how the Baha System helped with his SSD.

  1. Wazen JJ, Spitzer JB, Ghossaini SN, Fayad JN, Niparko JK, Cox K, et al. Transcranial contralateral cochlear stimulation in unilateral deafness. Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 2003;129(3):248-54.
  2. Weaver, J. “Single-Sided Deafness: Causes, and Solutions, Take Many Forms.” Hearing Journal 68.3 (2015): 20-24. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. https://journals.lww.com/thehearingjournal/Fulltext/2015/03000/Single_Sided_Deafness___Causes,_and_Solutions,.1.aspx
Cara Lippitt
Cara Lippitt is the Senior Manager, Social Media Strategy at Cochlear Americas. Cara is inspired by the stories of the recipients that she is able to tell and the incredible journeys they have taken. Cara was born and raised in Colorado and adores the mountains, snow and the world of musical theatre.