Colorado recreational enthusiast, and Cochlear employee with hearing loss in Colorado, Barry, shares his passion for the outdoors and helping others connect to Cochlear and a few tips along the way.
Where are you located?
Denver, CO (US)

Where did you grow up?
Born and raised in Iowa. Laid a patch for Colorado pretty much the day after college graduation.
How long have you had a hearing loss, and do you know what caused it?
I was diagnosed with high-pitch loss in the first grade. That started me down a path of many visits to the University of Iowa hospital for tests and check-ups. As I got older, the gradual high – pitched loss progressed into mid-ranges and eventually lower frequencies. I got hearing aids in college and for a while those could keep up, but eventually my hearing worsened to the point that hearing aids couldn’t keep up. I suspect the cause is genetic, but I haven’t confirmed that.
How long have you been at Cochlear?
18 months and counting.

What do you do at Cochlear?
I work in Recipient Services with a focus on helping and supporting recipients by raising awareness for self-service tools and resources and reengagement activities.
What has been your highlight of working at Cochlear?
There have been many highlights, but I would say working side-by-side on a daily basis with so many dedicated individuals who are committed to helping people hear their best is beyond gratifying.
What sound processor/s do you have?
I’m bilateral and have pairs of both the Cochlear™ Kanso® 2 Sound Processors and Cochlear Nucleus® 7 Sound Processors. I’ve been wearing the Kanso 2 Sound Processors as my day-to-day for the last couple years – it felt good to have them off the ear. I had been using my Nucleus 7 Sound Processors mostly for recreational activities that require a helmet and as my back-up plan. But I am planning on trading in the Nucleus 7 Sound Processors for Cochlear Nucleus 8 Sound Processor in the near future. I’m excited about the smaller size and lighter weight of the Nucleus 8 Sound Processors and eager to see how those work for me.

What are your interests outside of work?
I’m passionate about cycling, and mountain biking in particular, is my jam. I feel so fortunate to have friends to ride with and for all the amazing, beautiful places and trails I’ve been able to ride. I also love traveling, skiing and snowboarding, going to concerts, being outside and just hanging out with my awesome family and friends.
Any fun facts?
My brother also works at Cochlear and is a recipient too. For many years, he was the only other recipient I knew. Now he’s over in Sydney Australia working on new technology. Working together, across the globe to help others with hearing loss for the company that has helped us so much, is an incredible feeling. It’s easy to stay motivated, that’s for sure!

Best “advice or tip” for other recipients?
Take advantage of streaming from your smartphone. For me, steaming music and audio directly from my smartphone has been an absolute game changer. It’s helped me hear better by giving more control of my sound processor settings and opened access to a variety of audio sources. And streaming music is just amazing–I’m astonished by how well I can hear the instruments, lyrics and layers in songs—many of which I’ve loved for years but now sound fresh and vibrant again.
For more information about how to upgrade and the benefits, click here.